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I'm at Matt's.. Tori was going on about how me n' Megan would make a cute couple and she could just see wedding pictures n' stuff like that.. i guess we do.. Matt finally stopped playing the Sims, he's got MvC2 very very nice game..


Cut my finger open with my mechanical pencil, on accident of course. i'd slipped my hand into my pocket where the pencil was point up, and it cut right into my finger...

I called Megan around like.. 11am who ever was on the phone that answered said she was asleep and had her call me back, so after awhile she called back and we decided to meet up at the park... and soo, Megan came out for awhile we spent the day together talking alot Matt Mark n' Tony had found all my stuff from the apartment in a dumpster.. so we all went up there, dragged out my photo albums, containing pictures, baby pictures, school pictures up till like.. 5th grade. so after we brought those all back to Matt's me n' Megan spent like.. an hour out in the garage looking through the albums, found pictures of us together back in the 1st-2nd grade, we'd started talking about Highland, and memories of things that happened back there.. then headed up to Matt's room, where he was playing a game, with Joe.. So after watching the game for like.. 2 minutes.. Me n' Megan decided to head over to Highland and our old neighbor hood, where we' learned we both lived quite close to eachother back then. we walked around the playground climbed up onto some of the stuff there.. talked for awhile then left n' continued walking


0:00 a/p-m
Don't remember what happened all i know was, no Megan..


Called Megan today, just talked to her for awhile on the phone.. didn't really say much.. i'm not much of a talker when on the phone..i guess she was at her aunts? annnd her grandmother i think, needed help with painting a room.. or something.. kinda hard to understand what she was saying with everyone talking..oh well.. anyways, she didn't come out today, either.. i came back out here to the house..brought my albums with me.. since i didn't want to have to deal with taking them to the class with me.. or something, tomorrow... too much work. most of today i spent curled up on the floor in Matt's room, where i sleep just really, thinking about Megan.. i guess.. kinda , yeah, whatever..