The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton
Financial Websites
The Wealthy Barber
Smart Money
Kiplinger Online
Financial Basketcase Quiz (made by your truly)
In the fictitious land of Hometown, USA, David Chilton tells of his barber, Roy, who has become a millionare with his financial secrets, taught to him by the town's wealthiest man. What is the most important secret of all of these? Patience. In an easy to read, amusing story, David Chilton tells how even the biggest financial "basketcase" of us all can make a fortune.
1. Pay yourself first
2. Put 10% of your income where you can't touch it (you'll learn to get by without it).
3. Planning
4. Time
As suggested by the amusing title, this book is an easy read. It has invaluable information, such as that about wills, life insurance, disability insurance, saving for college, saving money, retirement planning, home and investment property, other investments, and income tax. Some of this information I, as a teenager, did not need, but I know that in the not-so-distant future it will be quite valuable. Several important lessons were taught in this book, but I disagree with one. Roy the barber says that in order for young adults to become financially independent, they should pay their own way through college. I disagree with this because the most that could do is either discourage a student from continuing their education or cause them to finish it with heavy debt. This is a good book for the old, the young, the financial illiterate, and the financial savvy. It offers good advice with no fancy frills or jargon.