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Secret Stuff



May 5, 2002

I've been meaning to add this section to the page for a while now, but I've been busy with finals. I put this page together as part of my final project for my web design class. I don't know how much time I'll be able to devote to it as I have two other pages that I'm in charge of maintaining, not to mention the numerous pet projects I have going. However, I'm quite pleased with how the layout for this site turned out, so I'll do what I can to keep it updated. Steve recently filled me in about a whole bunch of new staff cameos (including a cameo of someone who works on a compeltely different show) so that'll be one of the first things I'll be working on updating. You can expect more links to be added soon too. -spleen

May 11, 2002

I just wanted to start out by saying that Tak, The Hideous New Girl was an awsome episode.

Now that I have that out of the way, I've added some updates to the Staff Cameos page. -spleen

May 26, 2002

I just added a new page to the Secret Stuff tab that lists the episode summaries for the "lost" episodes of Invader Zim.

June 24, 2002

I just added a copy of the script for The Trial to the lost episodes page. It's a shame that one never made it into production, it's damn funny. -spleen

October 18, 2003

This site is dead. Much of my free time is now devoted to working on bits and stuff for Attention Deficit Theater.
