The beautiful long and silky coat of the Yorkshire Terrier takes less care than you may be expecting.
Weekly grooming and regular trimming of the coat is all that is needed to keep your Yorkie looking neat and trim. Professional grooming is not necessary , but may be beneficial for clipping and shaping of the coat.
One of the benefits to the Yorkies silky coat is that it is true hair, not fur like many other dogs. Because the coat is hair, not fur, there is little shedding and may be less problematic for people with allergies.
In addition the Yorkie has no undercoat, so is less difficult to bath and groom than other breeds of dogs.
Since they are not as active as some of the breeds, the hair tends to be less knotted and tangled as long as there is regular grooming. Since this breed loves attention, grooming soon becomes a very positive event, and the dogs learn to enjoy this time with their owners and caregivers.
The Yorkshire Terrier is a good family dog. Despite its small size it is an excellent watchdog, and can be taught to bark and then stop on command. The Yorkie loves to interact with the family, and will quickly find a favorite spot on the coach or a lap to sit on.
A very affectionate dog, the Yorkie needs to be with people, and responds very well to praise.
We, at would like to assist you have the best possible experience with your Yorkshire Terrier.
The right diet, exercise and care really make all the difference. A Yorkshire Terrier does not have to be expensive to look after once you know what you are doing!
Where do you get Yorkie's
Yorkies Diet and Grooming
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