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.:SaBz's 2nd PaGe:.


ZeHra~ No nOtEs! lol........JuStIn's NOT oN My wEbSiTe....hehe......u almost gave it away!....u just wait unitl I get more fish eggs......REVENGE.......hahah.....HAHAH.......if I smear fish eggs alll over ur desk and do my seal mating call, it can be some sort of bhes weird just gonna keep typing and typing amd noe i neva shut up! Oh..... By the way, last night I watch a movie...... it was REALLY good, just so U noe! Oh yeah! have u eva wondered how many ppl must be thinking in the world.....I DO! lol......this is like the world's longest shoutout! OMG......jen and Aysan r trying 2 guess who i asked out......U BETTA NOT TEEL 'EM! lol! OR ELSE MORE FISH EGGS WILL BE COMING 4U!

OK ZEHRA! U WANT URS 2 BE LONGEST? HERE GOES.....kidding,anyways,kidding,anyways,kidding, advertisements....that rubbery sensation....all over ur mouth!

IMAGINE. You are in music class. In front of a BIG, BLACK, sqaure. Your precious, delicate music is resting safely on a it's strong, stabe arm. (or leg...or wuteva u want)Safe from the dangers of the music class as long as it's there. Bayview Hill Music Stands....For music's one 2day! *You can lean on us!*

There is a big,tender,juicy lump of cow on your plate. Your mouth is drooling....YOU WANT THE COW. As you slowing sink your fork into the cow, steak juice oozes out....WAIT! Thats not steak's blood! WHY? Because the cow's not dead yet! BWAHAHAHAHA! I am cow hear me moo, I weigh 2wice as much as you and I look good on the barbecue (BWAHAHA)...making milk and butter, I am the dairy queen, I am cow, I am proud, I am cow! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! (laugh insanely)

OKAY.....R U HAPPY? I THINK THIS IS LONG ENOUGH! BUT ILL KEEP GOING NEWAYS..... lol....GrGrGrGrGr(reptar)..."The Nod", Are u done ur essay? What essay?... haha...sucking up 2 miss bandy! u cant lie 4 beans! i warned u, but noooooo....dont listen 2 me! O MY GOODNESS....GEEEEZ! haha....we always make the stupidest mistakes in Olympics of the mind! BUT....WE'RE FINALISTS! YAY!...198,199,1000,1001,1002...LOL! ooook....ur shoutout is taking up 2 much room on my site....no1 wants 2 read all of this...BYE! MUAHHH!

JeN~ hahah.....PEACHED PRO MODELS! lol....isnt the website great?...WHITE CHRISTIAN FRIENDS ROCK! yeah! LOL....haha....our health video...u were such a LOSER! ahhhh.....i just remembered....the horny beee! itz coming 4 u! lol!

AySaN~ OUR VICTORY DANCE! IS a safety infraction. me and Zehra AREN'T BORING! dont worry...we 4give u!

SteLLa~ dont worry...ur not! I dont steal all the guyz!....neways...gary was a GOT HUGZ...YAY! HAHA....THE MR.SUB GUY! remember? Mattz 1,2,3&4! here chip munk munk munk! omg.....our behind-the-portable talkz with christine! ahhh......the good times! We're going 2 diff highschools....WAHHHHH! u hav 2 call me every single day!

Ip~ MEESTER IPP! IPPERS! lol....u ahv soooo many names!....ur dream...suuuure we made it up! like hell we did! lol....our many interesting conversations on msn and icq. HAHAHAH.....I BEAT U IN SPEECHES....U SUCK!(jkjk).......who should i like?....haha.....u hav to ask ***** 2 the dance! 4getting all our inside jokes1 oh well, i'll write them when i remember.....IF i remember!

KoRyN~ haha.....we hav soooo many! The car and the old lady! Cheese in the jazz! OMG.....DRAGON LADY!(ie. Amanda)....holy sooooo glad she wasnt our mock examiner! haha....our many evil fates and "what ifs" 4 the examiners! "I LOOOOOVE CHOCOLATE". haha....when u screwed up ur arm, Ms.ALI said u were becoming like! ok....that loser @ ur school is really hot....i dont care what u say! HAHAHA....ur step brother..." this is SABRINA.....u noe who else is in gr.8? SABRINA"! omg....that was sooooo embarassing! haha....our ice cream man dance...that was the coolest eva! our charcter dance haha....we SHOULD get that limo with the swimming pool......wait....on second thought, I think Marie-Chantal would beat us if we turned up looking like drowned rats! they would find our bodies in the dumps outside of the National the next day! haha.....the witch movie! LOL! we turned ms.ali into a pumpkin! omg....we hav had soooo many good times! I remember we spent like hours @ one sleep over trying 2 analyze amanda's behaviour. oook.....this is getting really long....i should stop now...ok im stopping. Bye!

ViCkY~ CAN I HAV A PIECE OF PAPER? lol....c, i didnt lose ur french dictionary! IT WUZ THE OREOS! IM INNOCENT! lol...u R confusing! we neva finished our triangle game....i think i won. our many notes in science class last! it wuz ur fault that the notes spilled...OMG...that wuz sooo embarrassing...u should hav told me i didnt pick them all up! haha...alex eating ur earser...i bet u he doesnt come 2 school 2morrow cuz he has some sort of food poisioning! had ur dictionary! my little! i cant think of anything else right now...BYE!.....GUMBY AND HOTSTUFF!