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[ Scene Points Application ]

The point of this page isnt to gain scene points to any of that shit. It is to put a face to a name, and hopefully create a situation for a potential "Hey, what's up?"  be it at a show, or anywhere on the street.

***Change you details

:: scene points application

Your Name:

Your Email Address:



AOL name(s):

ICQ #:

5 favorite bands:

Current and former bands you were in:
Favorite Quote:

URL of picture of yourself:*****

Your website :

902 Halifax Hardcore MSG Bored posting name:

What makes you a scenester /Other interests:

If you don't have a picture uploaded anywhere, you have to manually email us a picture. please send pictures to


***remove yourself
To Change details on your profile, just simply fill out an application again, and state that its a change in the "Other Interests' section. To remove yourself, just fill out an application form and put "remove me" as your 'other interests'