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Authority Over Anorexics

Anorexia is a disorder that affects the mind, causing the confused and disordered person to hear and believe things that are said within the victim's mind. Some patients of anorexia often complain of the continuous argument that occurs between themselves and their head. "I know it's probably just in my head," one patient says. "but to me it feels like I am drowning. My head feels like a war zone and it just won't stop. Day after day I seem to be losing control over my life and it terrifies me. Even when friends come over, I just lay on the couch like a zombie, not talking or joining in what they are doing, just listening to the voices in my head."

Victims of anorexia are effected differently by the voices that they so often hear. Some sufferers hear only faint whispers while others hear drumming and screaming throughout their mind. The controlling commands often get so intense that I myself sometimes felt as though I was being drowned, taken into the rolling waves of an angry sea and not being able to breathe. Another young woman once wrote, "It doesn't matter how fast you run to escape it, you'll never run fast enough... It has no features, no feelings. It is flat and lifeless yet it hates you and seeks your ruin more efficiently than anything else could. When you die, it's gone too. It just dissolves into thin air. It's only reason for existence is to wreck you." The "it" that this victim refers to is the loud and overbearing voices inside of her mind. In order to completely recover from anorexia you must separate your right state of mind from the disordered way of thinking that has consumed your life. With every negative thought that goes into your head, you must come up with a more positive one.

Negative vs. Positive

  • Everyone is just trying to make me fat. = Why would they want me fat? What do they have to benefit from that?

  • I don't deserve help. = I am a good person who has suffered enough and deserves to live a good life.

  • I shouldn't eat. = Eating healthy food will make my body and mind stronger.

  • Everyone is against me. = I have to learn to trust people again.

  • I can't eat any fatty foods because they are bad! = Foods that are high in fat will not hurt me when eaten in moderation.

  • I will always fail. = Life has constant ups and downs, but if I work hard I can pick myself up again.

  • No one cares about me. = Many people truly love me and would be crushed if I left.

  • I don't deserve good things. = I deserve to be happy and have goodness.

  • Everyone is skinnier than I am! = I should be happy with me and not compare myself with others.

  • I am a mean, awful person! = Anorexia is mean!

  • I am being punished and I deserve it! = No one deserves anorexia.

  • I am an embarrassment and hassle to my family. = My family loves me unconditionally.

  • I can't do it! = Maybe not alone, but people are always here to help me along the way.

  • I am an evil sinner. = Anorexia is evil.

  • I am fat! = My views on my body are distorted and I can not judge my own body.

  • I look disgusting! = My outer appearance does not describe my inner beauty.

  • I am a failure. = By reaching out for help I have become brave and I am succeeding.

  • I am worthless! = My distorted thoughts tell me these false facts, but I must overcome them and recover.

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