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Mindless Invalid
How To Make Your Own Font
A simple guide for simple minds

 Hello! This guide is a very quick and easy make-your-own font guide. It's not going to be real indepth, but i'll show you what codes i use, where to edit them & other miscellaneous things.

 For the purpose of this guide, there are 2 basic things you need to keep in mind.
1) The font you make will not look correct in the preview, it will look messed up. Just trust me on this, and make a test board before you get worked up!
2) Copy all the code i post, and only change the part i indicate (unless you know what you're doing). again, trust me. I see a lot of people editing out parts, because they don't make a test board first.. and they end up with something funky. so just do what i say ;) lol
Okay! Let's get started!

The Code
First, go to the Chat Preference page. Below i'm going to post the code you need, but first i want to explain how/where to edit it (it's color coded to make it easier)

RED -- Copy EVERYTHING that's red, and i mean EVERYTHING and put it where it says to go. It will either go in the "NeoHTML" spot or the "NeoSignature" spot.

GREEN -- This is the part of the text you can edit. The siggy can be pretty long, but the "stuff here" portion you're going to want rather short (just a couple of words long)

PURPLE -- This is where you put in the colours. I have a colour chart here or you can use the any other colours you want or know. Remember to put the pound sign infront of hexidecimal colours (hexidecimal {hex} colours are the numbers. like #000000, #3366CC.. etc, those are hex colours. # that is the pound or hash sign. If you leave it off, things may get screwed up. Not all the time, but often enough that it's best to just keep it)

YELLOW -- This is where you edit the typeface (AKA font name). You can only use typefaces that are 1 word long. This means that Times New Roman won't work, but Arial will. Click here for a short list of typefaces that you can use on the neoboards.

BLUE -- This is where you edit the size of your text. You can use any number between 1 and 4 (1 is smallest, 4 largest) .. some fonts look better in large sizes, while others are just annoying, so test it out. Size 2 is usually a great non-obtrusive font size:
size 1 size 2 size 3 size 4

Put this in the neoHTML spot
[center][b][fontc=#000000s=2f=verdana]TEXT HERE[/font][br][fontc=#000000s=2f=verdana][br]neoHTML[/font] [

Put this in your neoSignature spot
] [br][fontc=#000000s=2f=verdana][br]SIGGY HERE[/font][/b][/center]

That's it, i swear~ that's the code i use and just edit the colours and text portions to how ever suits what i'm doing. Give it a shot & if you have any helpful suggestions, or you think parts of this lil' guide were really unclear lemme know :)

Edit -- It was suggested that i added how to change/edit the typeface & the size of the font, which was a great idea so hopefully this helps!
September 27, 2004 @ 5:50PM NST   
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