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Blow Meaning:

1 of air : to move with speed or force
2 : to send forth a current of air or other gas
3 a : to make a sound by or as if by blowing b of a wind instrument : SOUND
4 a : BOAST b : to talk windily
5 a : PANT, GASP <the horse blew heavily> b of a cetacean : to eject moisture-laden air from the lungs through the blowhole
6 : to move or be carried by or as if by wind <just blew into town>
7 of an electric fuse : to melt when overloaded -- often used with out
8 of a tire : to release the contained air through a spontaneous rupture -- usually used with out
transitive senses
1 a : to set (gas or vapor) in motion b : to act on with a current of gas or vapor
2 : to play or sound on (a wind instrument)
3 a : to spread by report b past participle blowed /'blOd/ : DAMN <blow the expense> <I'm blowed if I know>
4 a : to drive with a current of gas or vapor b : to clear of contents by forcible passage of a current of air c : to project (a gesture or sound made with the mouth) by blowing <blew him a kiss>
5 a : to distend with or as if with gas b : to produce or shape by the action of blown or injected air <blowing bubbles> <blowing glass>
6 of insects : to deposit eggs or larvae on or in
7 : to shatter, burst, or destroy by explosion
8 a : to put out of breath with exertion b : to let (as a horse) pause to catch the breath
9 a : to expend (as money) extravagantly <blew $50 on lunch> b : to treat with unusual expenditure <I'll blow you to a steak>
10 : to cause (a fuse) to blow
11 : to rupture by too much pressure <blew a gasket>
12 : to foul up hopelessly <blew her lines> <blew his chance>
13 : to leave hurriedly <blew town>
14 : to propel with great force or speed <blew a fastball by the batter>
1 : a blowing of wind especially when strong or violent
3 : an act or instance of blowing
4 a : the time during which air is forced through molten metal to refine it b : the quantity of metal refined during that time
5 slang : COCAINE
1 : a forcible stroke delivered with a part of the body or with an instrument
2 : a hostile act or state : COMBAT <come to blows>
3 : a forcible or sudden act or effort : ASSAULT
4 : an unfortunate or calamitous happening <failure to land the job came as a blow>

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