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Welcome to our Club Waiver Section

All members and those wishing to join the Belleville Mudd Boggers 4x4 Club must read and sign the waiver form listed below. This form can be copied and pasted in word format but will be provided to you at a club meeting for you to sign. No person or persons may become a member without signing this waiver form.




The Belleville Mudd Boggers 4x4 Club

In consideration of being permitted to participate in any event sponsored by, promoted or directed by The Belleville Mudd Boggers 4x4 Club, the undersigned for himself/herself, his/her personal representatives, heirs and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASES The Belleville Mudd Boggers 4x4 Club, it's officers, directors, promoters, sponsors and volunteers of all liability to the undersigned, his/her personal representatives, heirs and next of kin for any loss or damage on account of injury to the undersigned or his/her property or resulting in the death of the undersigned whether caused by the negligent act or omission of Releasees or otherwise participating in any such event. It is fully understood by the undersigned that there is some inherent risk associated with club events including damage to vehicles. In addition, the undersigned AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the Releasees from any loss, liability, damage or cost they may incur due to such participation by the undersigned, whether caused by Releasees negligence or otherwise AND AGREES TO ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK for bodily injury, death or property damage from Releasees negligence or otherwise while the undersigned is participating in club events. In signing this release, the undersigned hereby acknowledges and represents the following:

1.        That he or she had read the foregoing Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement;

2.        That he or she shall at all times , while riding in a vehicle participating in club, events, wear their respective seat belt;

3.        That the undersigned operator of vehicle participating in any club event is solely responsible for the safety of all passengers and equipment which may be in the vehicle during any club event;

4.        That the owner/driver certifies that he/she has inspected the vehicle and same is in good mechanical condition;

5.        That the owner/driver has informed himself/herself about the event and trails involved in the event, either by prior participation or by investigation into the event and trails;

6.        That the undersigned has read, understands and has been given a copy of the club rules and regulation and agrees to abide by same;

7.        That The Belleville Mudd Boggers 4x4 Club will not be held liable nor responsible for damage caused by club members acting on their own behalf, outside of scheduled events;

8.        That the undersigned agrees to maintain a valid insurance and driver's license;

9.        That the undersigned is aware that any infraction of club rules and regulations may result in immediate termination of club membership with no refund of membership dues.


Signed by:___________________________________________ Dated:___________________________



Print Name:_____________________________________________



Witnessed by:________________________________________ Dated:___________________________



Print Name:_____________________________________________