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Journalist Walter Stewart interviewed a variety of Americans to find out their views on Canada and its people.
I have nothing against Americans as a whole; it just so happens that the most amusing responses to this are the ones that make them look the worst.

Canadians sleep all the time.  Every time you turn around, they're going off somewhere to have a nap.
- Printer, Huntington, N.Y.

Canada?  I don't know nothing about it.  This bus just goes to Farragut Square.
- Bus driver, Washington, D.C.

Canadian drivers are crazy.  I wonder if it's got something to do with their religion.
- Tour guide, Williamsburg, Virginia

I think if we need it and they won't give it to us, we should just take it.
- National guardsman, Fremont, Ohio

Canada, that's up north, near New York State, isn't it?  Only it's not a state, it's a whole country.  Is that right?  Do I win a prize?
- Liquor store clerk, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Mountains, I think of mountains, and people singing.
- Housewife, Austin, Texas

We went up to the border once, but they wouldn't let my Dad through with his rifle and pistol, so we had to come back, 'cause he wouldn't go anywhere without a gun, he needs it for protection.  Why would they do that to him?
- Mechanic, Napa, California

Nice people, very nice.  Not bright, but nice.
- Tractor salesman, Fargo, North Dakota

Yew cain't hardly unnerstan' what Canadians say, the way they tawk.  They tawk funny, sorta mumbly an' ah dunno whatall.  Yew cain't harly make 'em aout.
- Restaurant patron, Tucker, Georgia

Dave Barry                            malapropisms and mixed metaphors
humour for the french-Canadians among us today

