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 delta 9 records

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  • Delta 9 is an independent association of different bands and individual musicians, which play electronic music and still don't have means for publishing their albums with a big number of copies.

  • Delta 9 is the first Belorusian independent label in the sphere of non-mainstream experimental electronic music, as well.

  • Delta 9 was founded in 1996, and its first release represented a cassette with Autism`s album `The Spiral Twist` on the a-side and `Analogue Hallucinogen` by On The Edge on the b-side. The edition of this cassette amounted 10 copies. The cover was designed by Andrey Savitsky, who also created an original Delta 9 logo.

  • Delta 9`s most of the CD covers were made by Eugeny Smojevski, Minsk graphic designer.

  • Delta 9 jointly with some other promoters organized the first Minsk festival of electronic music `Future Sounds of Minsk` on 31st of May, 1997.

  • Delta 9 made many live performances and released compilations with the music of the most interesting artists from the Belorusian electronica scene.

  • Read more about Delta 9 history on MEDIA page of this site.