Axel D'Ark

Name: Axel D'Ark

Nickname: Axeman, Blackstaff

Codename: None Really

Place Of Birth: Bugtussle, Arkansas

Group: Leader of Danse Macabre

Biotype: Human Wizard

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Height: 6'

Weight: 140lb

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown-Blond, worn long

Distinguishing Marks: Tattoos up and down both arms and on his chest and back

Relatives: Mimarine D'Ark (Wife), Minuette D'Ark (Daughter)-Age 6, Ginevra D'Ark (Daughter)-Age 3

Clothes: Uniform-Standard Danse Macabre red patterned black bodysuit with trenchcoat. Standard-Jeans and t-shirts

Powers/Mutations: Spells-Mystic Blast and Shields, Household Cantrips, Illusions, Detect Magical Eminations, Dispel Magic, Read Any Language, Speak Any Language, Open Riftgate

Extent of Powers: Mystic Blast and Shields, can blast a good sized hole in a building and hold off a tank shell for a limited time. Household Cantrips-basic household magics, not combat useful. Illusions-visual only. Detect Magical Eminations-self explanitory, range 3 city blocks. Dispel Magic-negates any standing magic in a 10'radius, no good on wide ranging magical spells or beings with innate magic. Read/Speak Language-good on one thing/language at a time. Open Riftgate-needs to know what the destination looks like

History: Axel was born and raised in a trailer park, his mother died shortly after his sister was born and they were raised by his abusive alcoholic father. The father often molested her until she eventually couldn't take it anymore and killed herself. Axel found the body and snapped. After beating his father and leaving him for dead, he stole his dad's car and ran off. He first headed to his grandfather's home where he learned about his magical potential and was entrusted with the Blackstaff. He was with his grandfather when they were attacked by a rogue mage who was killed along with his grandfather during the battle. Seeing how wanton use of magic could be dangerous, he founded Danse Macabre to help police it's use. During this time, he came across Medea who he accidentally hit with his car. He took care of her and helped her readjust herself to normal life. He loves her in a way, still thinking he's responsible for her welfare.

Personality: A little gruff, but basically sweet. Devoted to his family.

Hobbies: Working on house repairs, restoring old cars and motorcycles

Likes/Dislikes: Loves just hanging around his house with his family, at times he hates the responsibility of being Head of the Danse, but he understands it's importance in the scheme of things

A Quote: Ain't that a bitch.

Non-Mutant Skills: Good mechanic

Other Stuff: Axel is a recovering alcoholic, vodka being his main weakness. He also possesses the Blackstaff, a mystical artifact that can boost his spell abilities to twice their range.

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