Name: Henri Smythe
Nickname: Hoax
Codename: None
Place Of Birth: Middle of Nowhere, Canada
Group: Danse Macabre
Biotype: Mutant with witchblood
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 150lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Golden Brown
Distinguishing Marks: Rather mousy in appearance
Relatives: Twin Sister-Medea Sinistrari
Clothes: Jeans and t-shirts or white buttondown shirts on formal occasions.
Powers/Mutations: Limited Shapeshifting, Rapid Healing, Heightened Senses
Extent of Powers: Can only shift to a scaled daemonlike form with thick armoured scales, fangs, claws and a harsh metallic grating voice. Rapid healing can heal most injuries and illnesses in a day, depending on what first aid's been taken. Heightened Senses are an offshoot of the rapid healing and function along the lines of a German Shepard's ability. If the fast healing goes, the senses go.
History: Medea's twin brother who was raised by his rather twisted grandmother and his aunt, who he'd been told was his mother. Out of the two, Henri only knows that their father had sent them and their mother away for their own safety and that he'd never come back for them. Indeed for many years he was never told that he had a twin sister, but there were times that he had the odd feeling there was another out there.
Henri's upbringing was quite abusive as his grandmother would beat him for any 'sin' real or imagined and he was subjected to her version of the bible which was far more harsh than any of the King James renditions. Schooling never happened, he was not allowed to leave the house short of doing chores and when he turned 13, his mutant ability manifested. Stumbling across a cache of vintage porn that had belonged to his grandfather, the stimulating images along with the beginning to surface natural urges were enough to trigger his skin rippling into scales.
Needless to say, Henri was terrified and he ran to his grandmother and aunt. As the scales rippled back into his skin, there was no proof to his tale so he was beaten severely for 'hoaxing'. There were other manifestations where fangs, or claws appeared and soon as he told of them, he was beaten again for hoaxing and gained the nickname Hoax.
In time, Henri just kept any other signs of being different to himself, now convinced that this was some torment of the Devil and he became ferverently passionate about his religion so God could help him fight back this visible sign of sin.
Years passed and grandmother died, so it was just him and his aunt until the one day strangers came knocking at the door.
Henri would've just done like he and his aunt always had done, just hid until whoever it was went away, but the scent of one made that impossible. It was too much like his own...but female. He'd gone to look closer, and Medea's eyes locked with his as he carefully peered from behind the curtains. The rest was still a blur as she bared a fang at him and he exploded into his daemonform, hurling himself from the window and lashing out at her. It took time and therapy for him to learn his initial attack on her was because her presense alone had proven so much of his life had been a lie. The remaining fights between them had been because they were so different.
He'd been taken to the Danse's haven once the initial fight ended because neither he nor Medea were intact enough to keep going, and it took a good week of bedrest and glooping things back to where they belonged before he was able go to the bathroom on his own. He knew he couldn't return home after what his Momma...Aunt had seen, so he made do and settled in Blackrock.
Personality: Easygoing at times, but still retains a core of stiffneckedness due to his upbringing.
Hobbies: Reading, playing guitar, singing choir
Likes/Dislikes: Love/hates his twin. Is a bit intolerant of folks who don't quite conform to his sense of the way things should be.
A Quote: "Y'gotta have Faith"
Non-Mutant Skills: The basics any country boy would have, hunting, fishing..etc...
Other Stuff: Only time will change Henri from how he is now.