Name: Eric Magnus Lensherr
Nickname: Mags(not said to his face)
Codename: Magneto
Place Of Birth: Poland
Group: Leader of the Brotherhood
Biotype: Mutant
Gender: Male
Age: 50+
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 190lb
Eyes: Bluish Grey
Hair: Silver
Distinguishing Marks: In damn good shape for his age
Relatives: Pietro Maximoff (son)
Clothes: When going around the public or just knocking about, he wears a suit or business casual. When he's facing his opposition, he wears a costume which is a purple and red suit with a purple cape and a helmet which blocks psychic attacks.
Powers/Mutations: Magnetic Manipulation.
Extent of Powers:Magneto also affect some gravity through magnetic manipulation. This includes fields and tides. He can also manipulate the magnetic fields around him, creating a forcefield, enabling him to fly.
History: Eric's entire family were killed during the Holocaust. His mutant ability's development was stunted from his life in the concentration camp. He escaped along with Magda, another internee. After the war, the two tried to make a life together, but once again because of prejudice (against the foreigner, this time), his daughter Anya was killed in a fire. He lashed out with his mutant power in grief and rage, striking down most of those responsible. Magda was terrified and ran away. Magneto was unaware that she was pregnant at this time.
Since then, he has been horribly bitter with humanity. From the examples brutally shown to him in his life, he made the realization that if given the chance, baseline humanity would subject mutants to a new Holocaust.
After trying and failing at world domination to save mutants from this future, he created Avalon from his former off planet base Asteroid X. It is a refuge for any mutant who wishes to go, and is the main headquarters for the Brotherhood. He is dedicated to saving the mutant race from extinction as well as recruiting and training as many mutants as possible, encouraging his ideas.
Personality: An in-the-shadows type of person. He doesn't often put himself in the line of fire. But, he is very capable of battle. He is bitter and very cunning. He's always creating and planning. He has a severe superiority complex (seems to run in the family)
Hobbies: Reading, adding to his already extensive knowledge
Likes/Dislikes: Enjoys Classical music, Thinking/strategy games such as chess. Dislikes bigotry.
A Quote: " We are the future, Charles. Not them."
Non-Mutant Skills: Very skilled in Genetics, Biology, Physics, and Technology. He could easily have several doctorates if he chose to.
Other stuff: At one time, he was close dear friends with Prof. Charles Xavier, world reknown expert on genetics and mutations who is also the founder of the X-Men, Magneto's chief opposition to his goals. They parted ways because of a difference in idealogy. Magneto still believes his old friend will eventually realize that his dream of co-existance between humans and mutants is just wishful thinking. He also has a daughter, Wanda, but at this time is unaware of her, believing she died long ago.