Name: Lemmy Running Elk
Nickname: Chewie
Codename: Wendigo
Place Of Birth: Baraboo, Wisconsin
Group: X-Men
Biotype: Mutant
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6' human form, 9' werewolf form
Weight: Varies
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Distinguishing Marks: Has a fair to moderate harelip. Also has a dreamcatcher tattoo on his right shoulder
Relatives: None, all deceased
Clothes: Uniform-fringed vest with 'X' symbol on front. Standard clothes-whatever fits for the occasion.
Powers/Mutations: Shapeshift-can assume wolf form, but it has to progress from human shape to bodybuilder human to bipedal werewolf to dire wolf to normal wolf Rapid Healing-just double the normal human healing rate Fangs and Claws-only available in werewolf and wolf forms
Extent of Powers: Shapeshift-it has to progress from human shape to bodybuilder human to bipedal werewolf to dire wolf to normal wolf Rapid Healing is just double the normal human healing rate Fangs and Claws are only available in werewolf and wolf forms
History: Lemmy was born on an Ojibwa reservation in Wisconsin. He was taken away from his parents by the State who decided they were unfit and he was adopted by a white couple. They raised him as their own, but never taught him about his native heritage. Growing up he was often teased horribly by the other children. It reached a peak when he turned 13 and as he was getting beaten up, he shapeshifted for the first time. His adoptive parents were afraid and confused so they contacted Professor Xavier in a desperate plea for help. He took Lemmy in and helped him understand his special gifts. Lemmy has cut all ties with his adoptive parents as he feels they did nothing to help him themselves.
Personality: A bit of a ditz at times. Standoffish to most, but cheerful to his friends and allies.
Hobbies: Girl watching, Dancing, Playing any musical instrument he can get his hands on.
Likes/Dislikes: Fiercely loyal to the X-Men and Professor X. Hates bullies of all kinds
A Quote: AAAaahhhrrrooooooooooo!
Non-Mutant Skills: Pretty good mechanic. Fair pilot.
Other Stuff: He's a little self conscious about his harelip