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hahaha! Domifex!

;) Updated: Some day in what, June?

Well, I've removed the good 'ol Teddy files, since Teddy's apollogised and removed any offending content.
When I begun the site, I promised that if Teddy removed content with my name, then I would do the same for her (otherwise, It would be a conflict of intrest and just too hypocritical)
Anywhoo, otherwise no major updates, except check out the new fraud of the rings comic (w00t)
Compliments the sick queen,

Infatuation -Peregrin Took-Y

Fraud of the Rings Comic Strip header
Fraud of the Rings Comic Strip. Copyright 2000 by John Cook.

;) Clan MacTook, The Pippin/Billy shrine.
My online Diary, updated daily normally.
Ask Gh0d,
Why Domifex?
Songs that describe ME
Dom's evil hole of gothness.
Quizes I have done...
Quoth the raven...

This is a little "chat thingy" try it out guys!