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? Quiz Me.
Yes well, even the LQotU gets bored,

;) And the Quizes quote as follows...

Wow... who would have thought I would allow myself to be labled by others! Woah!

Which Carbonated Beverage Are You?

Computers, Comics, and occasional bouts of total misanthropy. What's not to love?
With more comics than even God knows about and a nasty habit of mood swings so dramatic no one can predict your next move, you are alternately known as "that freak", "the thing what bit me", "the Dark Queen", "Mistress", "the artist" and "the quiet one". You maintain that you know very few people, but disturbing numbers of them seem to know you. e_O;;
Oh yeah, and you bite.

Which Bravo are You? Take the Quiz by

I'm so goth!
Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
by antiperfect

Wowie! You are Tfu Tfu! You're the odd one out, there are few places you fit in. Others don't understand you very well and tend to treat you indifferently and take you for granted. But then again, you don't really give a damn about them anyway.

Were you a gifted child?
Your Score: 85%

Test yourself at

Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz
Made By: myway and teza

I am bad. So bad. I absolutely hate people and animals. In fact, I probably sacrifice them. No one likes me, but of course it isn't my fault. I should just go back to New York because I am a corrupt Jesus.
Take the What Jesus Would You Be? Quiz

The Grammar Test
Your Score: 92%

I am a grammar expert! My skills are certainly being wasted here on the internet. Perhaps I should become a teacher.
Test yourself at

*sad, I know!*

;) More later.

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