Lindsay's Luscious 1920s 21st

Anne's House of Sin

It was decided early on in the evening that in the spirit of the 1920s, I was to assume the title of the Head Madam.

- here my top girl Alex and I are enjoying the feel of the cigarette -

Upon entering Anne's House of Sin (or lindsays house if you're going to get pedantic), one is greeted cheerfully by Emma, our glorious serving wench.

Not only is Emma devestatingly charming, her serving skills both in the bedroom and the catering industry are divine.

- here emma entertains some of our select clientelle -

The men who enter my house are stimulated both emotionally and physically.

Alex always has and always will be my top girl, and here she can be seen with our number one customer Andrew.

- all tuckered out -

Here we can see that Peter, another fine client of ours is almost overwhelmed by his choice of lovely ladies.

This is perhaps my favourite boi.

as you can see, patrons of our house always leave with a smile on their face

To the rest of the pics