
This section is going to cover what you need to make a web site, what HTML is, and other very basic things. You may not have to read this chapter is you are at all familiar with making web pages.

What is HTML?

Hypertext Markup Language to be exact. But yea....what does that mean? Well, basically, HTML is the language you are going to use to make a web page. There are also other languages that are found in web pages, such as javascript, but let's not worry about that right now. HTML is probably alot easier than it sounds. Once you learn the basics, covered in the next section, getting your web site to look like is just a matter of finding what codes you need, then cutting and pasting.

Where do I make a web site?

First, you need to decide on what kind of host you want. A host is a company that will put your site on the internet. Each host has different pros and cons, for instance, Envyoffers internet hosting without (they say they put a banner on your page, but you can easily delete it) however, it's server is very slow. On the other hand, Yahoo's Geocities has a very reliable, fast server, although it requires you to put it's banner on your page. Some other hosts include: Angelfire, Tripod, and Virtue. If you are really upset that it seems that you can't have a fast page without ads, there is a way to eliminate these ads with a simple code, although I will go over that later. All you need to do right now is signup.

What else do I need?

Well, simply you need a computer and interned access, but I'm assuming that you have one, since you are viewing this page on, guess what, a computer and, yes, on the internet. Other things you need are graphics to make you page more eye catching, and and ideas. As for the graphics(pictures), you can either make you own, or there are sites that will provide free ones. I'll be gald to help make you free, personalized graphics for you web page, just mail me at akaducki@cs.com. The only other thing you need for a web page is ideas. No one wants to visit a page that just says "Hey this is my web page!!!!!! Hi Mom!!!" Wheather it be about you pet, filled with games, chat, a company/team page, you have to fill it with stuff that people actually want to see/do. Well, now that that's taken care of..let's get started!