
So far, all of the HTML we have been writing goes inside the <body> tag. Bet ya didn't know that now didn't ya? I'm going to show you how to use the <head> tag. This goes before your main HTML.

Body Tag

But before we add the head tag, we need to put in the bosdy tag. You need to add <body> as the very first tag on your page, before any other writing, HTML tags, what ever. The onlt things that goes before the body tag is the head tag, but you don't have that yet, so it goes right at the top. This needs to be first. Then, and the very end, add the </body> tag. Ok, now we're done with that!

Head Tag

Ok, now right before the >body> tag, add the opening and closinf head tags, <head> and </head>. The rest of these tags go inside the head tags!

This determines the title of your page. It will appear at the top of the web browser, and will also be use to identify the page while bookmarking favorites. <title>Ducki On-Line</title>
Provides a description for your page. It's really helpful when you submit your site to search engines. <meta name="description" content="Ducki On-Line Kicks!!">
Put in a list seperated by commas of words or phrases to describe your site. This is also helpful when you submit your site to search engines. < meta name="keywords" content="fun, HTML help, post boards, Ducki">