This is the basic tag for adding background images. Replace the green text with the URL of your background image, and the red text with the the attribute. For more info on what and attribute is and what they all do, scroll down just a bit. | <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- BODY {background-image:image URL; background-repeat:attribute} --> </STYLE> |
Attribute(what it does) |
Code(what to type in) |
Makes the image repeat like a tile effect through the whole page, just like it would using the simpler background tag. | repeat |
Makes the image appear only once in the top left hand corner of your page. | no-repeat |
Makes the image tile vertically, along the left hand side of your page. | repeat-y |
Makes the image tile horizantally, along the top of your page. | repeat-x |
Makes text blink.For some reason, blinking text does not show up when I view pages throught my browser, this m not work for all people viewing your page. | <blink>blinking text</blink> | |
This is a scrolling marquee. There's about a million different ways you can change these, and I have a whole other section on it, but here's the basic tag. You can replace "left" with "right". | <marquee behavior=scroll direction="left">Scrolling message</marquee> |
Regular textSuperscript | <sup> |
Regular TextSubscript | <sub> |
<strike> |
Regular text Typewriter | <tt> |