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Cimmura Grand Arena

  This is the log where we store the memories of past battles—to cherish or to loathe, these memories are precious.

Sephrenia Mirtai
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Gandalf the White Saruman the Grey
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Gandalf the White
Gandalf the White Saruman the Grey
- 13 -
Sméagol (Gollum) Frodo Baggins
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Gandalf the White
Gandalf the White Saruman the Grey
- 16 -
Elrond Bilbo Baggins
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- 1 -
Gandalf the White

   Well, here are the tales...

Gandalf the White versus Sephrenia

   The two opponents have take up their positions in the arena. A Pandion knight waves the queen's banner dramatically to signal the competition to begin.
   Without hesitation, Sephrenia begins weaving a spell, her fingers flickering rapidly and her mouth uttering quick murmurs of Styric words. Before she is able to release the spell, however, Gandalf raises his long staff and slams it on the arena gravel. A noticeable ripple is sent through the ground, the gravel flying in all directions. As the ripple reaches Sephrenia, she is knocked from her feet onto the slight hill behind her. Gandalf is preparing a new attack.... Then Sephrenia completes her spell, and a strong wind flashes through the air.
   As pebbles and dust begin swirling through the arena, gathering around the Styric priestess and strangely escaping even from beneath Gandalf's feet and causing him to stumble, a still more strange and resonant sound fills the air. Sephrenia's soft, white robe is billowing in the gust, and no one is sure whether or not she is actually hovering at this point. Swiftly, she calls on another spell, and everything swirling about her races toward Gandalf, significantly engulfing him so that he may not return the attack...
   After a few moments, Sephrenia retreats the assault to see how Gandalf is doing—but it is found to be her ultimate flaw. All the while, Gandalf has been waiting for this moment, and he now throws his staff arm at his opponent. She tenses up and appears to be struck by lightning. Nay, 'tis just a powerful shockwave! Now Sephrenia collapses in a ragged heap with her lush, black hair no longer seeming lush—it is pointing in various directions.
   Gandalf takes a step forward, still coughing in spasms from Sephrenia's last spell. He brushes his white left sleeve and points a finger at the clouds hovering above. With steely eyes, he makes his strike. At a mediocre rate, his finger moves down to point at his rival. Lo! A blood-red line streaks through the sky! Like thick dust, it circles down above the priestess and crushes her on the back. A muffled cry can be heard from that direction. Then Gandalf, an unconcealed grin of triumph on his face, twirls his staff and again aims it at Sephrenia. At that moment, a dreadful howl can be heard through the arena. Up from the dungeons, an overwhelming wave of heat rushes across the earth. The dungeon gates burst forth, and... the Balrog heaves onto the arena.
   He sighs with the effort and immediately fixes his eyes upon Gandalf, his fiery eyes reddening. With an enormous roar, the Balrog lashes out at Gandalf, causing him to drop his staff near Sephrenia. The wizard is pale and helpless in his enemy's grasp. Saruman the Grey, from the entrance to the arena, is demanding to be admitted. At once he dashes onto the gravel, staff in hand. He begins summoning a spell in his deep, rumbling voice. A few seconds later, as the Balrog slowly crushes Gandalf, his second releases the spell in finality.
   An intense tremor appears to run through the Balrog, and he drops Gandalf back to the arena floor. The beast falls as well, though not before lurching forward and slashing Sarumn with a coal black horn.
   From the side of the arena, the gates again open, and the mounts, Shadowfax and the palfrey, gallop out to their masters...

I will continue the log soon.