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Talen's Art Room

   Voilà ! I finally started an art page for the Eddings stories, thanks to Sofie for the first (lovely) piece. And I want to thank the rest of the artists who make this collection possible. ;)

Bath in the Wood of the Dryads
Bath in the Wood of the Dryads
by Joumana Medlej

The Colt In the Cave of the Gods
The Colt In the Cave of the Gods
by Catherine 'Kelinor' Manson

The Hrulga Stallion
The Hrulga Stallion
by Joumana Medlej

Mandorallen and Barak's Ship
Mandorallen and Barak's Ship
by Joumana Medlej

by Sofie Lidén

by Sofie Lidén

The Sword of Riva
The Sword of Riva
by Sofia Wirström

The Sword of the Rivan King
The Sword of the Rivan King
by Joumana Medlej

Althalus sketch I
Althalus sketch II
by Geoff Taylor

Created and Copyright 2001-2004 by Luella Garies. Design Copyright 2002 by Patrick Garies.