The Digital Grotto

Dr. Erick is leaving this burg. He's moving over to Montreal, where he can do exactly what he does now…only in a different city.

Hey, here's an outrageous claim. I'm the one who came up with the Dr. title for him. He was co-hosting a jazz show with me on CJSR, and he brought a lot of ragtime music; I started referring to him as Dr. Erick Ruppel.

The first time I went to a ska show was December 1997, a week before Greg's eighteenth birthday. I snuck Greg in, and we were sitting quietly in a corner, afraid to make eye contact with anybody. Then the doctor came up and sat with us a while. I forget what we talked about, but he soon got up and left. Five minutes later, he came back with a pitcher and three glasses. We've been friends ever since. I love you beer--I mean Erick.

Click for a larger image.

These pictures are from the Death by Dawn show. We were in the basement of Orange Hall, drinking Old Stock between bands.

Jebus showed up and helped out for these two pictures. Remember that famous photo from the Oka Crisis? This is our attempt to parody it. You can tell from the first picture that I had trouble keeping a straight face.

Here's another Oka crisis shot. This one's from the Bon Accord showway way back in June. Unfortunately, the full version was erased along with all the rest of my summer photos.

You can see Dr. Erick here holding up Nardwuar, back when the Evaporators came to town.

These ones are from Eric's going away party.