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Gallery of the week

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1. Photo of the Week

Nikki and I believe that this deserves to be out picture of the week! Simply look for yourself! Congratulations go to Mr. Quigley and his... umm "great" expression!


Beautifully captured how a few of us anonymous grade 10s wedgie poor little Fyodor. Thank you Fyo! We'll get you some new boxers!


This great capture of Vanja's math test when he got it back was just unentgehbar. We had to take a picture right away. That skillful 3 clearly deserves the 3rd place! Thank you Vanja for a great math test like that.


This one was really one of our first excellent pictures! A greatly angled picture of Carolina's ass deserves a stockerl platz and therefor on the 4th. Thank you Caro for your ass! =)


David's manners are definetly something to remember when you leave this school! Beautifully teeth-squirted kaiserschmarren captured in a screen here and therefor last but not least David on the 5th.

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