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Fan Appreciation Night”
Desoto, 4/27/01

"Irish Luchador" Billy McNeil vs. OuTtKaSt
(Billy via Frog Splash)

Makaze vs. Super Castaldi I
(Makaze via Legdrop)

D'Mon G vs. The Ninja
(YOUR Ninja wins)

Sam Bacardi vs. Big Bad Ben
(Bacardi via D'Mon Cheating)

Matt vs. Deno Blade vs. Nikki Strychnine
(Nikki wins by hate)

Adam Raw vs. The Ashman
(Ashman Cheats thats all i gotta say)

Dingo and Jack Adonis vs. Kevin Sharp and Makaze
(champ and Makaze wins but this match still never should of happened. Paper Boy got scared cause he had to defend ADONIS' title against Dingo so he weeked and talked dingo into a tag match. INJUSTICE !!!)