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“Spring Mania”
Aggies, 4/6/01

Matt vs. OuTtKaSt
(Matt one , Got Lucky)

Big Bad Ben vs. Super Castaldi 1
(Think B.B.B. Won)

Adam Raw vs. Sam Bacardi
(All YOU need to hear is that some got dropped on their Top)

Deno vs. Billy McNeil
(Think Deno won Because "Deno don't lose" )

Dingo vs. The Ashman
(Not positive but OUR Boy Dingo had to of won)

D'Mon G vs. Greenpeace
(D'Mon G won but did not get the table)

YOUR Favorite Wrestler (Adonis) vs. Makaze

(Adonis won regardless of Whos hand was raised

Nikki Strychnine vs. The Champ
(After the beating The Champ took He still just cheated to win cause He cant handle being Hated)