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“Cinco De Mayo Struggle”
Aggies, 5/4/01

Adam Raw vs. Super Castaldi I and III

Matt vs. Outtkast
(Matt Cheated but i cant recall how but He did)

Sam Bacardi vs. Big Bad Ben
(only cause D'Mon G Cheated B.B.B. Out of a win cause he is scared of Ben)

Diamond Back Dingo vs. Billy McNeil

Nikki Strychnine vs. Jack Miller
(Cause Wolf cant take the Hate)

Diamond Back Dingo and Adam Raw vs. Sex Charms and Rock 'n' Roll
(I do not need to tell you who won but i will, Everyones hometown Heros Won, yes that Dingo and Raw)

Keith Smith vs. D'Mon G
(Cause D'Mon G aint got nothing on his Sweet Mullet)

Kevin Sharp vs. Jack Adonis
(After Paper Boy Tapped 12 times and Cried a river, even screamed he quitsThe Ref still let him keep Adonis' belt for no reason it was JOE)