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“Summer Heat”
Butler, MO. 6-30-01

June 30th in Butler, MO, GCW came to town for one of the top wrestling shows to ever hit this western Missouri town. Of course, YOUR Egobusters Crippler, that Bird, and Cousin Jimmy made the LONG trek to witness this historic show.(Yes was Christine's debut match.) Pics will hopefully be up soon from this show.

In the opening match of the night, Big Bad Ben comes to the ring to battle Billy McNeil. After Ben insults the "citizens" of Butler, the match gets under way. Even though Billy was completely overpowered, he still managed to have some pretty effective offensive combos. Nonetheless, BBB was just too much for Billy on this night and Ben gets the victory. After the match, fellow Syndicate membor Mike Sharona runs out and helps beat on the already defeated Billy McNeil. Ryan Ash comes out to chase them away.

Next up, Sam Bacardi with Coach fought the heavy fan favorite Rat Boy. Bacardi would get the victory after the Bacardi Stampede and some cheering from Coach Farley.

The old school match of the night was Keith Smith versus Johnny Greenpeace accompanied by Tree (who has seen better days). In a great old style wrestling match, Keith Smith battled to a victory leaving a tear in Tree's eye.

In her historic debut match, Christine fought Super Castaldi 1. To a large pop from the mostly male crowd, Christine impressed them all with her wrestling abilities. After a mean powerbomb, she got the pinfall over Super Castaldi. I see nothing but good things in her future.

Mike Sharona would battle Ryan Ash next. In a great technical matchup, BBB made his way to ringside to get a closer look. When Ash had Sharona seemingly beat, BBB broke up the pin attempt. Some more interference helped Mike Sharona get the 1-2-3 on Ryan Ash. Like in the earlier match, some double team Syndicate work went on afterwards, and Billy McNeil came out for the save. Sex, Charms, and Rock N Roll then challenges the Syndicate for a hardcore tag match. The match is eventually accepted and a main event is born.

After intermission, Matt again challenges Dingo for the light heavyweight title. In another astounding display put on by these two, and Matt having the crowd totally behind him, Dingo still pulls out the victory after hitting his finisher, the Egobuster.

The heavyweight title match pitted Champ Kevin Sharp versus the Alaskan Heartthorb Jack Adonis. The Pretty Boy was at the top of his game on this evening. Sharp would get the victory by submission and he is still YOUR GCW champion.

The main event was up next. This match was brutal. With cane shots, cookie sheets, trash cans, tables and other hardcore goods, both teams gave everything they had and it really showed. Things looked good for the Syndicate after BBB caught the Ashman on the top rope and powerbombed him through a table, but not scoring the pinfall there really hurt. After another table was set up in the ring later on, BBB was going to attempt to make another powerbomb through it. Then Ben became temporarily blinded and confused at the hands of some Sex, Charms, and Rock N Roll handiwork, he mistakingly thinks Sharona is someone else and picks him up and powerbombs him through a table and covers him. Ash and McNeil take advantage of the situation and both pile on the Syndicate in time for a recovered CJ McManus to make the three count.