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“The Sandman Cometh”
“Adults F’N Only 5”
GCW Arena

Trainee #8 vs. Trainee #1
(Trainee #8 wins)

Michael Strider vs. Thanatos
(Strider beats this next to no talent face, YOU can just see the greatness in Strider’s eyes)

Prof. Preston Peabody III vs. Sam Bacardi
(yeah it’s official, if Bacardi can only beat Doogie, or get a win by having tag partners, He sucks, and yes he did lose this match)

Chaz Wesson / Keith Smith vs. Kevin Sharp / Johnny Jett
(O.S.W. wins and such)

Heart Attack Jack vs. YOUR Head Official Sean Vincent
(Heart Attack won this “Alabama Showdown”)

Big Bad Ben vs. Gordon Pumpernickle
(BBB won)

Billy McNeil vs. The Great Bukaki
(Billy wins)

Mike Sharona vs. Diamondback Dingo
(Tough one to call, I would have said Dingo, but I also would have been wrong)

OuTtKaSt vs. Matt vs. Ryan Ash vs. Delirious vs. Ms. Chif
(Kast won)

Jack Adonis (YOUR Heartthrob) vs. Johnny Greenpeace
(Adonis STILL Champ)

The Sandman vs. Madman Pondo
(now I can sit here and say it doesn’t matter who one cause we all were winners man. But that’s what some baby face mark would say so I won’t. I’m going to go with they both tore it up and somehow Sandman got the pin, after flipping off the top row onto Pondo Piled with chairs, mean)