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Here you will find a variety of race, gender, and media-related links. If you encounter any dead links, please notify us.

Children Now

A press release of a 1998 study, which found that children notice inequalities in media portrayals of minorities.

Hype: What Color is Black Love?

An article by M.G. Little on gender differences in African-American skin color as portrayed in black "romantic videos."

University of Iowa Department of Communication Studies

Provides links to a number of sites that offer information on gender, race, and ethnicity in the media.

Building Blocks for Youth: Off-Balance

An April 2001 study on how the news media portrays youth and race in connection with crime, and how these portrayals affect the public's perception. Take special notice of Table 1 regarding race in terms of crime victims and perpetrators.

Asian Stereotypes

A memo from MANAA (Media Action Network for Asian Americans) to Hollywood expressing dissatisfaction with the media portrayl of Asians. Also gives suggestions for reducing sterotypes.

The Representation of Race in Mass Media

A critical essay by Mike Daley on how the media portrayal of race, both past and present, has influenced the public's ideas and attitudes toward race. deals in particular with the "racial dichotomy" of blacks and whites in the US.