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Fly Away

Alright all, this one just kinda came to me. I was off reading fanfic, and suddenly these words just formed clearly in my mind, and I had to write them down:

Give me wings on which we both can fly
Take a ride up to the stars in heaven
And never look back.

They weren't in the fic, so don't think I got them from there. Like I said, they just kinda came and said "write me." So I did. From that, it turned poetic, and I came up with a short poem. But that above prose bit was the original thing. Anyway, hope you enjoy! ^_^ (Written 05/20/05.)

Give me wings on which to fly
Up towards the heavens
Up towards the sky

Travel the trail, never look back
On the old dusty road
On the old ancient track

Follow the feathers that lead away
Up into the night
Up into the day

They'll show the path on which to go
By shimmer and shine
By glitter and glow

White feathers in the air for me
To light the way
To let me see

Ancient trail, I will follow you
Guide me right
Guide me true

Others here have flown before
To unknown end
To unknown store

Knowing not where this pathway leads
It is the way
It is the need

I feel the pull tugging my soul
To come this way
To make me whole

This is a choice each must make
For their own lives
For their own sakes

The path it beckons to me still
The feathers call
The feathers will

Just give me wings to travel by
And I will follow
And I will fly.

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