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The End

So the beginning of this poem (the first stanza) came to me while I was hiking one day. I wasn't planning on writing the rest of this one right away, but when I went to put it in my poem starts file, the lines just kept coming to me. So I wrote it. This one really worried me when I wrote it, I was very moved by it, and it seems very real to me. My writing usually doesn't scare me, even the morbid or apocolyptic stuff, but this one does. Hope it speaks to you as much as it does to me. (Written 5/28/07.)

Dried, withered, cold, rotten
Old, dead, sad, forgotten
Timeless, ageless, faceless, nameless
Hidden, dark, soulless, blameless

Desperate, crying, lost, frightened
Starving, lying, scared, enlightened
Endless, fearless, brutal, hated
Wandering, searching, dying, fated

The end is near
And so shall come
Time unto time
Until all’s undone

Journeys end
As journeys must
With dark and light
And hate and trust

Feel the power
Feel the fear
Feel the beginning
The end is near

Time to come
So we can go
Out of the ebb
Away from the flow

Ghosts and shadows
Of lives long past
Have come again
Have come at last

To reclaim hearts
And lives the same
To end the world
To finish the game

We all must now
Choose our side
Light or dark
To fight or hide

We will see
At world’s end
Who is real
And who’s pretend

Firey fate
Or blessed be
What will become
Of you and me?

Shall we live
Or shall we die?
Wander the Earth
Under empty skies?

What will be left
After all is gone?
A new beginning?
A different song?

Who will rise?
And who will fall?
Who will answer
Fate’s final call?

Endings come
And endings go
Beginnings start
New seeds to sow

From out of ashes
Springs new life
With its new dreams
And unknown strife

Come to me
Those warriors still
Hear my plea
Answer my will

We shall have a battle to come
When all on Earth shall come undone
When Fates and Furies alike collide
And Gods battle Gods to turn the tide

Turmoil will rage
Across the land
One power to conquer
One power to stand

Subjugated, chained, imprisoned, held
Dark, Light, envisioned, meld
Grey, victory, battles, wars
Sky, empty, fallen, scars

Land, destruction, barren, ceased
Lives, erased, hopeless, released
And so the end shall consume us all
For life, for death, for one last Fall.

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