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My Last Wishes

If I die and do not get a chance to speak my mind; or do not have the strength, or the wits I cannot find; this is what I’d like to see happen with my person; this I’ll tell you and a couple other things for certain.

Please do not fill my body with formaldehyde, I do not want to be preserved like others they have tried. I don’t need to be whole and complete, organs please remove; use them to help the needy so that others can be soothed. Make sure I’m buried in a box of wood to decompose; and if you would, try not to bury me as one in many rows. Do *not* burn my corpse and turn it into ashes, I want to decompose in mother earth, in the old, traditional fashion.

Please do not cry for me, I was not afraid to die. My soul is merely moving on, with greater things in mind. My soul is traveling on to better places as I speak; this is the way of the world, always strong and never weak. There is no need to grieve for me, I know how much you care, I hope my death has not caused you a traumatizing scare. No matter how it is I ended up, our souls still go on, to better things, and eternal life, to sing another song.

I’ve always loved you, no matter how I lacked to show it. I’ve always cared, deep in my soul, even when I didn’t know it. Please forgive for all the pain I’ve managed to cause you, I only wanted to find out what was real and what was true. Keep living out your lives as if I were still alive; it is the only way the world goes ‘round, the only way to survive. Never forget the times we had, and the joys that have been shared, think of all the happiness and how well my life has faired.

Finally, I have my wish and am now whole. I’ve longed to be a part of something, no matter what the toll. The Earth is where you’ve come from, child, and back you now shall go. Forget the peoples’ crazy thoughts, *you* know it must be so. Always love the world around you, protect and serve your family, and all shall be well as they see you through, and always in the end your soul shall be turned free. Never forget what was done, and made, and sacrificed just for you to live. It’s not as easy as you may think, what this world has to give. If only you could understand what it is that I have seen, then maybe you wouldn’t cry for me, then maybe you wouldn’t grieve. Everything on this earth does not belong to anyone, it’s not just there to abuse, to use, and to have fun. They’re our brothers, our sisters, our family, that we destroy each day. Everything has a purpose, everything must stay.

Finally I have found where I belong, although the road was hard and long. I know I’m safe where I have gone, if I could only tell you. Death is not a thing to fear, someday you will find out, too. Someday you will see what you never thought was real, and figure out why you should not hide your eyes, and despair you should not feel.

Throughout my life, I’ve had many a name, I’ve lived and played along in their twisted game. But now it’s done, my soul has flown and left behind its pain and groans. But listen now, fair friend, listen to what I have to say. This is only goodbye, there will be another day. Now as a farewell to friends, those that knew me well, or those I’ve never met, here is one last poem, to show a last regret:

Good bye.

Who would have thought
That two little words
could mean so much.

They hold truth.
They bring reality.
They hold love, friendship, and others of the such.

If only I could have said Good bye.
Told them how much I cared.
Let them know that I’d miss them indescribably.

But Good bye is more than that.
Good bye is never again.
Good bye is a finality.

How to say Good bye?
No matter how put, it still means the same:
Good Bye.

Two little words,
It’s amazing,
From two little words such turmoil does grow.

How they can rage about.
Causing the tides of emotions,
To decidedly ebb and flow.

Simple statement,
Can never so simply be put.
How unfortunate this is so.

How to say Good bye?
How to handle time?
How to let them know?

Good bye is forever.
Time takes its course.
Nothing is eternally.

Good bye, my friend.
The time is here.
I have reached my bitter sweet end.
Now I go without fear.

Do not cry for me.
I do not want you to cry.
Do not die for me.
I do not want you to die.
Good bye may be eternity,
But only till we meet again.
Good bye may be forever.
But one thing Good bye is not, is the end.

Good Bye.

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