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Date 051603: Docking Bay OSU VTH, 1100-1300 hrs

Today there was, again, not a whole lot going on. I helped hold that little mini-donkey (neonatal foal previously referred to) while he had blood drawn. He is just so adorable!

I also helped control an actual horse foal while his mother had her tail cleaned. The foal was a little jerk, trying to bite people, eat everything, and kick too. So I learned how to properly hold a foal today, that was something new.

I also helped hold a horse while C-- put a catheter in. That horse was also a little butt. She kept trying to shove her way past C-- and me and out the door, very difficult to hold onto. But we got it done.

Watched a llama get a bandage put on its hind leg. I don't know what it was for. But I got to help make the duct tape pad that goes on the bottom of the foot. That was kinda kewl.

Really, I think that was everything significant that happened today. More later!

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