The first thing I had to do wasn't very exciting. I simply stood there and held a horse's head during a bandage change on his right foot/hock. But I did get to see the healing incision of a bladder stone removal surgery.
Next I got to assist in anesthetizing (I really don't know how to spell that) a horse for radiographs. The radiographs were to determine whether the medical problems he was experiencing were neurological or skeletal/muscular oriented. I helped position the horse for the radiographs.
I just have to say that the floor was kewl. We anesthetized the horse in one room, layed him down, and blocked him up (so he was laying on his back like a dog), then wheeled out a whole section of the floor and took him down to radiology that way. It was pretty neat.
I also went on rounds briefly. Anyway, that's it for today.
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