This is Laz.  A.K.A.  The Laz, Lazinator (his name of choice)

Obviously, from the picture, one can see that Laz is not one to be messed with. He has no patience for those who arouse his anger.  My contact is on a (temporary) hiatus, yet I include him in my friends without hesitation!  

Laz's trademark is the definitive goatee.  It will be shaved for nothing,  and asking him to do so will  unleash a wrath so violent I scarcely can fathom it.   Many a conflict have come about in regards to the shaving of the goatee.  

Laszlo's nemesis is the Pacific ocean.   Laz got in a fight with the ocean one time, and unfortunately lost.   He received a series of gashes from the ocean mercilessly throwing him against  the rocks, yet the ocean was unable to seize his coveted sandals.  Pictures of this  incident may be posted shortly.


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