Section deals with cards people are looking
for or are looking to trade. Please contact
us if you need help acquiring or unloading
a card.
following list is my own and I would appreciate
anyone who could trade/sell them to me.
        - Toturi Kweksan
1. Sneak Attack
2. Saigorei
3. Avoid Fate
4. Matsu Suhada
5. The Return of Fu Leng - Anvil of Despair
6. Strength of Purity
7. Matsu House Guard
8. Desperate Measures
9. Pearl Magic
10. Coordinated Strike
11. Ashigaru Spearmen
12. Ashigaru Archers
13. Imperial Census - Spirit Wars
14. Ikoma Gunjin
15. Deep Forest
16. Matsu Morishigi
17. Kabuki Theater Troupe
18. Golden Sun Plain
19. Time of the Void - Promotionals
20. The Tao of the Naga
21. Are You With Me
22. Sniping - Soul of the Empire
23. Flee the Darkness
24. White Shore Plain
25. Tactical Maneuvers
1. Lies, Lies, Lies
2. Celestial Swords/Ancestral Swords
3. Kabuki Theater Troupe
4. To Do What We Must
5. Kharmic Strike
6. Imperial Ambassadorship
7. Focus
8. Bend Like A Reed
9. Welcome Home
10. Matsu Mori
11. Coordinated Fire
12. Purusha
13. Blackened Sky
14. Shireikan
1. Test of Courage
2. Destiny Has No Secrets
3. Shinmaki Monastery - Gold
4. Moto Gaheris
5. Sorrow's Path
6. Merchant Caravan
7. Finding the Harmony
8. Fortress of the Dragonfly
9. Doom of the Dark Lord
10. Moon and Sun
11. Takao exp 2