Lewis Boat Works: Custom Boat building and Plans
Fisher10 - Page 13
Got some epoxy in today.
A little funny in the bottom of the picture, but you can see the putty 'tack welds'. I spent about 45 minutes making sure the boat was all squared up before doing the putty. If anything is off now, it is set in stone, or at least rock hard epoxy.
I left enough raw wood to put a second fillet, along with glass tape over and still get a good bond. The bricks are to help stabilize the boat on the base and to help twist the boat square.
Showing a little more of the fillets. I checked them about 2 am and, even though it was about 45° out, it was cured to a decent hardness. I am re-considering wasting so much space by filling the whole seat with foam. I am looking at making a compartment in each seat to store 'Stuff'. I don't need as much flotation as would be provided by filling completely. I will also build 2 chambers from the rear seat to the transom, leaving about 18-24" open in the middle. This will provide a good area for flotation and support for the transom (to lessen flex caused by the motor).