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A Quick and Dirty Sailboat/Rowboat

A little work over a couple of days

Ripping the chine logs. Spent a little cash and picked up some nice, clear wood for the logs. Here I have the blade set for 20° and set so that there are equal sections on the bottom and top of the wood width wise.


This was done over a couple of nights time, but here the log is attached (glue and screwed in from outside) to the side panel. The stem is also attached to this piece. Notice the S shape the panel takes. This shape bends and twists to get the proper shape when the boat is together. Looks weird just laying there tho. The chine logs are in two parts, with the longest taking the stress of the bow curve. You can see in the picture below, the other piece that was needed. When I put this piece on, I just buttered the ends of the log and pushed them together when I glued the log on.


The transom starting to go on. PL and SS screws. I took a Utility knife and beveled the pine framing so the panels would land flush with the transom panel.


Same thing, different view.


Here we are about an hour later, after much cussin and forgetting to take pictures. The side panels did not want to cooperate in bending to the shape of the bottom. I really could have used an extra pair of hands, I probably wouldn't have bled at all. As it was I scraped up my arm pulling the chine out to meet the edge of the ply. The ply blew out on me in the front, thats what the little cross piece is for, to pull it into shape.


Here the ply broke out, right between the back of the stem and the end of the chine log. Once I get the bottom on, I'll reinforce it on the inside, and maybe with a bit of an outside stem. I carved the bottom of the stem a little as it was sticking up a bit over the edges of the ply.


Anyhoo, I managed to get everything together fairly well. I used the utility knife to trim down the logs a bit and bevel the transom framing.


Despite it being a little obstinate, it is still starting to look like what I want. The front part of the bottom panel will get trimmed off at the same spot as where the side panels are butted. You can see I will have some work getting the sides to match the bottom front panel. What looks so easy on paper is sometimes not quite the same thing in plywood.


Different view of the same thing. Funny how the angle makes the back look like it is as wide as the max beam, which is 4 ft forward..


Did a situp for this one. Here is sorta what the profile will look like. The shear isn't spread properly, so it looks a little fat in the middle, plus the angle isn't the greatest.


Here is what it will have to navigate when done. This is the run from the building room towards the steps, which are on the right.


This shot is from the doorway on the left, facing the right hand turn to go up the stairs. There is a decent height to the ceiling over the stairs, so the bow of the boat will be pointed in that direction, and the stern will come around and go into the door where I am standing for the next maneuver.


And part three of the 3 part turn. Nose up as high as it can go, and up the stairs. I actually took the boat as you last saw it, and managed to get it laying on the stairs you see here, pointed up. All I needed to do was carry it up. I will still frame out the front for cutting the nose off, but I will probably wait until I get it to the main work area be for lopping it off, if I do. As this is my first sailboat, I might just wait until I test it out before doing Rhinoplasty on it.


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