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This is a big test

This is a big test!

This is a big test. YAYA! I love testing things because it is fun to test if its easy to read things like this (: or this ? if it is easy to read. It is hard to tell these things without taking a test so I will continue to do that. Blah blah blah the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog, why would the quick brown fox do that? Seems like a silly thing to do to me... You may have been wondering what the reason of this test is. I can tell you now, I am looking for a background colour for my front page. I can't decide all by myself, so I am getting you guys to help me choose. Eventually, after you have passed through the tests, you will come to a guestbook in which you will write your thoughts. The first vote has been taken, and it is a draw between BLUE and BLACK backgrounds.  Click me to go to the blue test, and then vote..