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It's a Sad Day in the Sadness of Days

Recently, as some of you may have heard. One of the beloved members of this site has passed away. Guest Book, as he liked to be called, moved on in his sleep. He was peacefully under-going maintenance due some foolish guest who mucked him up*, when a trainee named John. Deleted one of the text boxes, and inadvertently  deleted every post that was inside Guest Book.

They took Guest Book to the intensive care unit. The doctors said that he would live, but never post again. Just a few days later, the doctors announced that he was looking even worse, and were threatening to take him off the FrontPage list, "it was for the best" they said. The people didn't like it, Guest Book was their dearest friend and they weren't going to let him go.

Nobody was allowed to see Guest, because it was claimed too dangerous, for him and us. Doctors said that due to his horrible injury, he has become vulnerable to some very bad infectious disease, and had to be put in quarantine. After many hours of worry for people all over the internet, the doctors said he was on the mend, but there was still the matter of his most important organ. The posts.

The posts could not ever be recovered. And as the doctors said, Guest Book may never post another post. Efforts all over the internet could not find a remaining copy of the posts failed. It looks like Guest Book's chances were slim, but we would keep trying. Guest was released from the hospital, under medication in a hope that he would remember all or some of the posts, he didn't.

Hopes around the world were growing thin when Guest was brought back to hospital, he was weakening. I could see the look in the doctor's eyes as he came out of the intensive care unit. It was bad. We knew Guest was dying, and there was nothing we could do but be good to him. Show him a good time, or just talk to him and make him feel better.

A few days before Guest met his end, he wanted to achieve a world record. He put out a plea to the world, to receive the most posts, some fool told him that we could do it, as they both forgot that not being able to post was Guest's only problem. We told Guest that he had received way over what we expected, and he easily made it into the record book. This was the happiest and the saddest moment of his life. Guest Book died on the 28/03/02


*You know who you are.