Autumn - The fallow leaves that makes a beautiful sunset - Lvautumn |
Okiez... Okiez... OKiez... People, it's time for me to take out those under construction animated gifs and get down to some SERIOUS introduction here (hehe*) Well let's see... Ermzz How should I get started? Okayz OKayz, I shall start on the idea of why am I creating this webpage.~ ( I know you all would be likez damnz bored looking at all this craPpy stuff, but please on account of the owner just try to read. OoO if you really can't stand crappyness, JUZ close click on any links below~ keke) BEing a newbie here, webpage designing is some sort of a foreign art. ( & i sux at art) All those html code stuff etc, I know nothing about it. So this smart alec here created this web page using FRONTPAGE 2000~ yeah man... IT kinda rulez cause it was like soooo simple to use, cut, paste, copy and upload. Done in a few DAYS. hahaha. Well nevertheless I am grateful to microsoft to create this frontpage software and thus this webpage. STOP! I think there is a limit to everyone patience. If not people will start sending e-mail to flood me~ =P. Well those who are INTERESTED in me or find out who is lvautumn~ feel free to browse around~ By the way, lvautumn means LOVE AUTUMN. haha i also don't know why I like this nick~ Hmzz perhaps the scenic view of the lovely season autumn appeals to me~ lalala~ Well I think this introduction is quite good enough to give a brief description of WHO AM I. Ermzz if you still dun get it. Which means there are TWO thing you must do. 1-> CLICk on the link MORE below to find some bio data stuff. 2-> JUST STOP CURSING ME WITH THOSE VULGARITIES~ keke. Relax sit back and enjoy what you might find in this webpage~* - lvautumn a.k.a Kenvin 27-1-2001.