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Yes? well?....So here I am.....What do you want to know????

Grew up in Berkshire in the 60's. Lived in the same town for pretty much 20 years. Then London in the 80's where I lived with Gareth and his mates. Taiwan in the 90's and into the 21st century with many trips back to the UK in between. Oh yes, I managed to get married, gain a daughter and then get divorced too!!. Met a few other girls along the way but didn't have a serious girlfriend until 2006 when Mia appeared on the scene. She persuaded me to stay in England while she studied for her masters, So I enrolled for a film course in Ealing

Mia and I on a walk to Newbury in June 2007
Jan 2005 snap of Brett and I checking out some hot new fashions in a Taipei "designer seconds" store!

This is me hanging out in the "outdoor bar" July 2004

This was my motor for 2004......a BMW Z3...the best car I've ever had!!
But no....surely not....Yep! I had to clean cars to help pay for it!!....rock n' roll!!
Click on me in my whistle to see my "professional" snaps

Click on my motorbike to be transported to Taiwan!!!

This is me,out in the garden back in Blighty!!
Click on the left and you'll be sent to my house. Click on the right and you'll end up in my garden!!!
I have lived on and off in Taiwan for the last 10 years teaching English,studying Chinese and generally lounging about. I was married to Natasha and our daughter, Nina lives with her in the suburbs of Taipei.To see Nina's page,with her own artwork click on the picture.

I took a personality test....the results!

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
Take Free Myers Briggs Jung Personality Test