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Here he is, Nicholas Fotherington Hogbald who hails from Gaydon near Birmingham.Plays a mean guitar but his favourite instrument is the skin flute which he is continually fiddling with. Nick's girlfriend left him in the summer of 2003, autumn of 2004 and spring of 2005 so he spent that time in a swirl of depression and naturally got a haircut...

hell this man so ugly, we can't go havin' mirrors about the house, as he keeps breakin' them!!

This picture was taken in the North york Moors in Sept 2007 on the way back from Sunderland where Reading F.C. lost in a crap game...shouldn't be looking so damned happy if you ask me!!
When he is without girlfriend Nick finds time for more healthy pursuits like cricket. I was amazed the dude was not out for a duck but managed to snare a few runs!!
The dude bought a new car in the summer of 2003....wrecked it autumn of 2004!!
After I came back to the UK in autumn 2003 we went off to Spain in October and here he is finding out that life can be a joy if the suns a shinin' The big news now is not only is he back with Deb.....but they're getting, no they're not, they're breaking no back together again....
Here is his humble abode that once was a tidy little nest. Times have changed however and single man syndrome had set in and the place is now a tip while the mortgage noose is tightening around his neck........

nicks length of hair seems to depend on whether he has a girlfriend or not. He went from long haired hippie to short haired yuppie,back again even longer and now short once more!!
Check out the transformation !!
As he was back in May 2003 on Bodmin moor
He was one hairy mutha f*****!!
Between Jo and Deb we had the yuppie!!
"Yes..Yes I think I can squeeze you in for a breakfast meeting...."
This was how it looked a couple of years ago before Jo got shot of him.
It was so long he had to do it up in a bun!!
He still likes his footy though..!

See more of Nicky on our epic trip to Cardiff and the play off final 2000/01 click Nick's ugly mug to go back to the main page Nov 2005 trip to Plymouth and Dartmoor Some pictures of our fun trip to Bodmin moor October 2003 trip to Cadiz
Epic trip to Portugal June 2004Trowbridge July 2005Italy Sept 2005Dartmoor Oct 2005 Middlesbrough Feb 2007