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Well, who'd a tho't it? Mr Tandy, once a confirmed bachelor, finaly took the plunge and made an honest woman of his Philipino girlfriend Elvie. The guests flew in from from all over the world for this celebrity event. Skelly & Jenny from Taiwan, Boris, Jessie and the kids from France Ev from London and Myself and Mia Micks family all hail from up north so there was a fair sprinkling of Yorkshire accents mixed with the Mockney of Burgess Hill. I drove down with Mia for the evening bash and everyone was half cut by the time we arrived.

What Guv? Me Married?

Ev and Boris carrying on..

What can I say about this chap and the unfortunate bride forced to dance with him...

A Sheer heart attack kinda pose

There's Mia! One minute party queen, the next minute crashed out in the corner....

....leaving me holding the balloons!

The next day we went to Boris's Travellodge room to wake the buggers up. Boris broke the

shower and it wouldn't turn off blasting hot steam everywhere and turning the place into a sauna!

Skelly took some of his morning energy out on young Jamie.

We went off en mass to Brighton Pier minus the married couple who had some family engagements.

Checked out the ghost train...Mia couldn't keep her eyes open.

These two ghouls bonded quite well with the creatures from the underworld.

Well, with Jenny six months pregnant wedding bells can't be far away and this lovely picture is probably a portent of things to come.

The kids having a laff!

Moving on to the dolphin racing

Posing on the pier

Team photo

Boris in happy reunion with Mick

Everyone was tired after a day out in Brighton. We met Mick in a curry house and talked about going out afterwards. Mia, however was tired so Mick reluctantly agreed to take us back to his house with Elvie. After putting the Mia to bed, Mick and I had a glass of wine only to be interrupted by a phone call from the rest of the gang. They were unhappy with events and had decided to come over to kick start a party....And so from a quiet night in it turned a riotous night that didn't end until 5am. Here we can see Skelly after a long, long day.

We went to a pub for lunch the next day and Jessie was not too happy with her husband...

Apparently Boris had been giving Jess a hard time back at the hotel(I actually think it was because he rolled in at 5am steaming drunk and fell over the kids)so it was left to me to hold the baby!

Trying to cheer her up!

My first meeting with Ev since our big fight...

The happy couple...

...Take off for their honeymoon

The full weekends events