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To the left is a danger sign. Are the White monkeys put off by such things???
Hell no!!!
The White monkeys are an intrepid, devil may care bunch, afraid of nothing!!

Another trip to the tea plantation in darkest Shenken with Alex Daley making his White Monkey debut...June 5th 2011

I'd just arrived back in Taiwan, Bear was in Taipei, Daley was keen so we headed off in the heat to Shenken to revive the White Monkeys who had been dormant for some time. First stop was the waterfall which had a fair few day trippers present so we didn't hang around. Actually saw a pair of monkeys in the forest and I managed to get a snap. Tea drinking at the plantation should have satisfied everyone but our Daley managed to winge even though it was all free...some people eh!

Trip to Teapot and Banping Mountains, Sept 11th 2010

Teapot and Banping mountain conquered

The White Monkey's were back in action on the 11th September 2010 with a trip to the North East and one of the best hikes ever...a big loop around Jin Gua Sh with views of the sea and surrounding mountains.

If you can't see the embedded vid, try clicking here

The first (unofficial) hike was to a remote bit of countryside behind a group of temples where people go to pray for money....really! One of them is a ghost temple where a young girl died and is supposed to bring luck to whoever prays to her....for a price. You have to make some sort of sacrifice to make your wishes come true. A little like selling your soul to the devil me thinks....

Praying to the Earth God to bring us luck on our hike

Video of that first hike

Hike out in the mountains between Ping-Xi and Sh-Ding. Here you'll see a guy called "Ace" taking a dip in a murky pool!

If you can't see the embedded vid, try clicking here

On the first of May 2010, the White Monkeys made their first facebook announced trip out into the mountains of Shen Ken.

Here we are at the starting point, Ian, Yvonne, me and Tommy.

We passed through some farmland on the way up and somehow in the nets. That boy Tommy is a trouble maker!

We are the White Monkeys...on the top of Monkey Mountain!!

We stopped off at the tea plantation and after sampling the wares went out to do a spot of tea picking as it was in fact harvest time!

It's hard graft out there in the fields....

And so a successful trip. Four and a half hours of japery and exercise...more to come!

Classic hike out to view a bunch of big waterfalls swollen by the rains.

Amazing things happened on the trip and Tommy and I grew a set of pig's ears!

Video of the trip

Took the train from Sh-Fen out into the wilderness and then hiked an easy trail to see some pretty impressive falls and a deserted fun park...shame about the rain but with Tommy around there's always going to be a few laffs!

If you can't see the embedded vid, try clicking here

WuLiaoJien Hike

Edwards and I tackled the second hike of Taipei's big 3. Wu-Liao-Jien is out past SanXia and combines a lot of ridge walking with ropes and cliff faces. Definitely one of the best hikes and well worth a return trip

If you can't see the embedded vid, try clicking here

As the card says...Get off yer bloody computer and go and climb a mountain!!

Check out some pre-White monkey's hiking pages
Older hikes in Taiwan
March 2009 trips to the Monkey Mountain for great views and tea drinking!
With Chinese new year in the frame there was bugger all to do. The Bear, Matt and myself took off in the pouring rain to expand the frontiers of hiking as we know it...