Alright, people. If you've come this far, you're either curious about the shit that I hate, or you think you might be on my Hate list. Well, I'm going all out here-- I don't give a fuck if I hurt your feelings. This is shit that I hate, and this is why I hate it. If you can't take it: hit the back button on your browser, you fucking pussy.

  1. L00k @ this qu33r mutherfux0r. Osama Bin Laden.
    This motherfucker is number one on my hate list, and probably most everyone in the US's, if they had one. I mean, who the fuck does he think he is, giving all Muslims and Middle Eastern people a bad name by declaring a "Jihad" on the US, and acting like we're the world's bad guy, huh? Everytime something goes wrong in the world, the US tries to help-- and always becomes the scapegoat. It's all fucking bullshit. We should have killed him after he bombed the two Embassies in Africa, but nooo... we had to have a pussy liberal President, who would rather try to feed the homeless while US citizens are being killed. God, I hate that shit.

  2. Chat Slobs.
    Chat Slobs are people who come into chat, most often just to bullshit with people that they'll never meet in their life, and think that chat life is the same as real life. With their 'Net girlfriends, and their 'Net friends-- both of whom they'll never lay eyes on... yet they persist in rollin' up into rooms where people such as myself are trying to roleplay in, and disrupt the whole flow of the game by distracting all the IC people with their asinine OOC banter. I could rattle off probably twenty names of you goddamn n0-L1f3 idiots, but I won't. I'm making an effort to be civilized w/ this hate list, but you fuckin' chat slobs know who you are. FUCK, I hate you people.

  3. Cockteases.
    Now, this is one thing I really hate-- when chicks pretend to want your nuts, just to fuck with you, knowing full well that you can't help but go along with them, because dudes are always thinking with their "sh0rt sw0rd"[There's an RP term, for all you fux0rin' Roleplay L00zer5]. I mean, for Christ's sake-- they know, when they meet you, whether they want to get with you or not. It's just a matter of them thinking it's fun to play with our emotions. Mother'o'Mary, that fucking pisses me off.

  4. Arrogant Idiots.
    Alright. This does not refer to all arrogant people, as the title may imply. It also does not refer to people who might be seen as "arrogant," but who are merely god-like in truth[BrUce & M3]. This section is dedicated to people who think they're the 5hit, but who are really just fux0rin' CHUMPS. They think they look "all-that"[f0r 4LL the Wigg3rz in tha audience], but they actually look like shit. They think they're smarter than everyone else, but in reality, most everything they say is a5inin3. This sector is the same as the aforementioned "Chat Slobs": I could name maybe ten to fifteen of you who'd fit into this category. However, I think the arrogant idiot5 know who they are, just like the Chat Slobs do.

  5. Nate.
    I decided 2 inclood N8 bcuz i h8 him mor than ne other person in chat. so heer u go n8 u st00pid moonshine drinkin goat-fukkin silly incestual hilljack motherfucker. u maed it 1-2 my h8 page.