How Project was set up:
Hello, my name is Vincent Ferraiolo. Myself and Jane Ward recieved this grant to equip and setup a working genetic breeding company within our school, Thomas Dale High School in Chester, Virginia.
This page will allow for anyone to implement a similar project within their school. Hopefully, in the future, we will be able to help you get started with financial grants. We are working very hard for that day!
Click link above to see a picture of the setup!
Experimental design:
- Geckos were ALL purchased from Ron Tremper in Texas (
- We started with 2 females of each visible genetic mutation
- We also ordered 2 males of simple mutation, high-yellow (H-Y), to cross with EACH female color morph (phenotype)
- Cages are from BARRs and are each 28" X 12" X 12" ($42 each)
- Cages are filled with CalciSand from T-Rex ($5/ bag)
- Cages are heated with a single 12" X 8" piece of Flex Watt heat tape ($3/foot)
- Cages are stacked 4 high on simple shelving from Walmart, 3' X 1.5' X 1' ($15)
- Each cage is kept at constant temps with ESU Reptile thermostats ($30 each)
- Temps are 88 during day and 82 at night
- Breeding temps low 80s during the day allowed to fall to room temperatures, BUT no lower than 65 at night (set thermostat at 65)
- Hide spots are placed at each end ($3)
- They are fed mealworms every other day ($22/ 4 thousand)
- After mating, Like females are returned to individual cages when eggs are visible through abdomen
- When eggs are laid, they are placed in moist vermiculite in labeled 4 qt. Sterlite cantainers having screened lids and parents labeled on sides
- Incubation is done for females in Fisher Isotemp Incubator
- When eggs hatch, they remain in Sterlite kept in by screening to keep genetic cross known
- Babies are categorized as to appearance (phenotype) and ratios are counted and compared to Mendelian norms
- Type of cross, simple dominant/recessive or co-dominant, should follow mathematical ratios discovered by Gregor Mendel:
- Simple Dominant/Recessive relationship = 3:1 (Dominant trait : Recessive trait)
- Co-dominant relationship = 1: 2 : 1 (Homo-dominant trait : Heterozygous trait {the blend} : Homo-recessive trait)
Appearance and Organization of babies are based on the following key:
- H-Y = High-Yellow
- O-B = Orange-Banded
- Y-B = Yellow-Banded
- T = Tangerine
- W = Pure Albinos "Blizzard Lizzard"
- F1s are 1st generation offspring, F2s are 2nd generation offspring, F3s are 3rd generation offspring etc.